The logo for M.T.N Poetry; poems written and owned by Molly from Transatlantic Notes.

Recovery and Rest: Love Yourself Enough (Poem)

Alongside our studies, jobs or careers, there can frequently be persistent pressure in our personal lives to always stay motivated or constantly pursue the next goal; being productive is often seen as the most significant sign of success in our lives. 

There is a place for productivity in life but if it’s our sole focus; there’s a chance we may overlook the moments in life that embrace the possibility of soulful nourishment. We must love ourselves enough to value being able to recuperate and recharge our emotional and mental health. Self-love isn’t selfish, it’s necessary. 

A poem by Molly from Transatlantic Notes called, ’Love Yourself Enough’ that reads: While productivity can bring a sense of purpose, it is not a measure of your value or success. Love yourself enough to be intentional with your time and allow for recovery and rest.

It’s inevitable we’ll struggle with balancing everything going on in life from time to time. Allowing ourselves to practice self-care and rest is one of the most beneficial things we can do to support our well-being.

Remember to take care of yourself.

How do you show yourself love? What are your favourite ways to rest and relax?

Further Info:

NAMI Helpline – a free, nationwide U.S. resource that offers experienced peer-support guidance and advice

FindAHelpline – global (by country) resources for free, confidential mental health support

This is part of my M.T.N Poetry Collection: If you wish to share my poetry on Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter, please tag my corresponding accounts and link to my website; do not edit my work or remove/crop out my name or site address from being clearly visible within the post. For all other uses/purposes, please contact me for permission so that information regarding terms of usage can be provided. Thank you.

58 thoughts on “Recovery and Rest: Love Yourself Enough (Poem)”

  1. Love this! Being productive is important but taking care of ourselves is so much more important, and I think that really shines through in your poem. Personally I always try and allow myself Sundays off – it really helps me both relax and reenergize for the next week! Thanks for sharing x


  2. Your poetry is not only beautiful but so apt! I 100% agree that self love isn’t selfish, it’s necessary, and I’ve been learning throughout the past year to be more intentional with my time 🙂


  3. This is such a lovely post Molly. I’m all for self love. Self love isn’t selfish at all and it is important to take care of ourselves in whatever way we can and squeeze time out for self love no matter how busy we are. I love your poem. This paragraph (There is a place for productivity in life but if it’s our sole focus; there’s a chance we may overlook the moments in life that embrace the possibility of soulful nourishment. We must love ourselves enough to value being able to recuperate and recharge our emotional and mental health. Self-love isn’t selfish, it’s necessary.) stood out to me the most. Thank you so much for this lovely piece. You are indeed awesome!


    1. Thank you! I’m so glad you like the post and poem — I am all for self-love too and making sure there’s time to relax and rest. Life can be hectic and/or difficult at times so we must be kind to ourselves when we need to take time for ourselves. Thank you so much for reading!


  4. Thank you so much for sharing this poem, Molly! We’re often told that our success is measured by how productive we are, or how many hours we work. I’m glad that more people are deciding to put themselves first and understand that taking a break is ok and encouraged.


  5. Oh gosh, how relevant to my life right now! I have been definitely been feeling overwhelmed the past few weeks but I just keep reminding myself that I’m only human and to let things go. Lovely poem, Molly x

    Lynn |


  6. I love this. It’s so good to have self love. I need this reminder. I feel like I have days where I love myself and I have days where I just don’t like myself. Its good to have self love. Thank you for this reminder.


  7. What a beautiful post and a lovely poem to read – you’ve got a way with words for sure! Thanks for sharing 🙂


  8. I love this. Its so very true. I find that going to bed early and getting up early gives me some much needed time for peace and reflection. I also love just being out in nature or experiencing the thrill of a theme park are great self care practices for me.


    1. Early mornings are a great time for reflection and you’ve reminded me that I should take those moments of quiet to recharge (thank you). Being out in nature is so restorative too, and I love that self-care for you also involves theme parks which are definitely a way to invigorate the mind — I love this idea! Thank you so much for reading!


  9. I enjoyed this one. The disappointment of not reaching professional goals is something you can recover from; the regret of not loving yourself enough is a harder mountain to climb. Thanks for sharing xx Je


  10. I’m checking your poetry section for the first time I guess. Didn’t know you did that. A clear writing style that conveys the meaning. Yes rest and taking care of yourself is important. Thanks for the thoughtful poem. Xx
    Isa A. Blogger


  11. What a beautifully written poem and serves as a great reminder to show ourselves some more well deserved self love/care. It’s vital we rest and recharge as well as give ourselves some TLC, after all, that’s what keeps us going and being the best we can.


  12. This poem is such a great reminder! I think that we all have this belief that productivity means everything when there’s so much more! Self-care and self-love are such an important part of us! x


  13. I love that so many of us are understanding and embracing that self care isn’t selfish. It’s a way to make sure that you are okay and that you are catering to your own needs.


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