The logo for M.T.N Poetry; poems written and owned by Molly from Transatlantic Notes.

Uplifting Emotional Health: Finding Your Way (Poem)

Emotional healing doesn’t merely involve rest and/or thoughtful reflection. While it can sometimes look like self-care and self-love (or other nurturing activities); how we piece ourselves back together may equally involve things like confrontation, anger or silence before we can find a way forward.

For those around someone who is in the process of healing; be patient with them. They may be short-tempered, emotional, distant or withdrawn; even clingy, insecure, brash or uninhibited. How they reveal their pain to the outside world can be expressed in any number of ways. Showing them love means respecting the space they’ve created to soothe the parts of them that need the greatest care; one of the most meaningful things we can do is to encourage them to focus on how far they’ve come.

A poem by Molly from Transatlantic Notes called, ’Finding Your Way’ that reads: Listen carefully to what your healing is quietly teaching you.

And to those of you traversing your own struggles: there is so much good waiting for you. Provide yourself with rest and recuperation that allows time to recover. There’s no uniform way that any of this is meant to go — but it will improve, you will find your way.

Stay kind to yourself and those around you; always.

How is your emotional healing journey progressing? What emotionally healthful things are you doing to take care of yourself?

Further Info:

Emotional & Psychological Trauma – Help Guide

NAMI Helpline – a free, nationwide U.S. resource that offers experienced peer-support guidance and advice

FindAHelpline – global (by country) resources for free, confidential mental health support

This is part of my M.T.N Poetry Collection: If you wish to share my poetry on Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter, please tag my corresponding accounts and link to my website; do not edit my work or remove/crop out my name or site address from being clearly visible within the post. For all other uses/purposes, please contact me for permission so that information regarding terms of usage can be provided. Thank you.

49 thoughts on “Uplifting Emotional Health: Finding Your Way (Poem)”

  1. Great post. I feel like I’m on a healing journey at the moment. Some days are better than others. I must stay consistent with journaling, meditation and getting outdoors. If I don’t do these things I will be short tempered, have mood swings etc – like the things you have mentioned in your post. It’s hard at times, but must stay consistent. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Beautifully said Molly. We could all use some patience and understanding. This post is a great reminder that we’re all trying our best. The most important thing I’ve learned on my healing journey is that everyday looks different. Just because it’s not as great as the day before doesn’t mean the progress you’ve made is gone. Love and kindness are always the answer. Thank you for sharing!


  3. Emotional healing is a roller coaster ride of big emotions. Some days you feel great and others it’s confusing and frustrating. Patience and self compassion plays a big role in moving through this journey intact. Great post and poem. Thanks for sharing.


  4. Healing is a personal journey and supporting those around with patience, love, care, and understanding is key.

    Thank you for this lovely post. Saying hello from Twitter.


  5. This is a great post, and we greatly appreciate you sharing this. Thank you truly. Don’t forget to check out our most recent post, which came out today.


  6. A meaningful poem at a time when we are trying to better understand the significance of mental health. I think it is important that we all realize it something that takes time, lest we impose our beliefs on how the healing should happen on others who may progress differently.


    1. I feel this too — I think a lot of people assume healing should look or feel a certain way and the reality is it’s a tough journey that will have lots of ups and down along the way. Thanks so much for reading!


  7. This is lovely. I’m definitely on a healing journey atm and trying to find healthier ways to cope with my mental health issues. Being honest and open with loved ones is definitely helping, and it’s helping them help me.
    Saph x


  8. This is beautiful. Thank you for writing this poem. I liked when you stated be patience with them. I had people who just expect people to bounce back after going through something and I think to myself that is unrealistic. Each person handles things differently and sometimes we all need a break.


    1. I think there’s a lot of misunderstand about how healing presents itself outwardly (to those looking in); it will manifest in any number of ways so patience is definitely very helpful. Thanks so much for reading!


  9. Lovely poem and sharp thoughts. I don’t think you could state your thoughts better. The healing journey is difficult and big. We need to show understanding and compassion.


  10. Thank you for sharing this simple and beautiful poem, and for explaining your words – I agree with you that healing can take many forms. There will be ups and downs along the way but they are all part of the process.


  11. Thank you so much for the words! Healing is so hard from some point, but it’s the best thing we can do for ourselves! You know, I wasn’t caring enough about myself and now I am physically ill and need to heal myself even more. Stress ruins our mind and body and that’s very sad. Nevertheless, I got my lesson!
    Btw, your poem is beautiful! ♥


    1. Stress is an extraordinarily impactful and difficult thing to navigate as it reaches almost every part of ourselves. Healing from it takes work but it’s worth it — I wish you well on your continued healing journey. You got this!


  12. This was such a pleasant read! A great reminder that healing is not perfection, it’s small steps toward becoming our own true self. Thank you for sharing!


  13. A beautiful message Molly! Stress is extremely challenging and taxing but we must always be kind to ourselves and each other. Thanks for sharing.


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