A stylish light colored wood and cream living room interior with a tv on a cabinet; photo via Vanitjan/Canva.
Climate Action

The Most Important Nature Documentaries To Watch

Discover some essential nature documentaries to watch that remind us why the beauty and biodiversity of our planet is worth protecting from climate change.

Climate change news can be overwhelming and even trigger feelings of anxiety about the future. It can also be confusing, sometimes leaving us unsure about what to do—especially with the prevalence of climate science disinformation (which can be deliberately used politically and ideologically to sow mistrust). Despite all this, it is essential that we remain well educated about the health of our beautiful planet because informed citizens can advocate for effective policies, support green technologies, and contribute to global efforts to mitigate climate impacts.

One simple way to learn and identify the issues we are passionate about is through watching nature documentary films or series that highlight elements of climate change progress and global warming. Environmental and wildlife documentaries engage and provide accessible explanations of scientific concepts, making complex data understandable. By showcasing real-world examples, such as melting ice caps and endangered species, they highlight the urgency of environmental issues.

A stylish light colored wood and cream living room interior with a tv on a cabinet.

Collective Climate Action

This post is part of the Climate Change Collective, a group of environmentally-minded bloggers who share valuable climate action news. Started by Michelle from Boomer Eco Crusader and Jamie from Jamie Ad Stories, each month a different member contributes a lead/focus post that the rest of the collective responds to on their own sites, further discussing the information and issues raised.

This month it is my turn to write the lead/focus post for the collective, and I am sharing how nature documentaries can inspire viewers to take action by demonstrating the beauty and fragility of the natural world. This visual and emotional connection fosters a deeper understanding of climate change, encouraging more people to support sustainable practices and advocate for environmental protection. 

But how do we know what we are watching is trustworthy, accurate, and not peddling falsehoods?

How to Spot a Trustworthy Climate Change Nature Documentary

When evaluating and authenticating any documentary, regardless of topic, there are some things to consider looking into online that can help verify credibility. Doing a simple Google search, for example, could be all it takes to …

  • Find out the reputation of the production company and its funding sources. Look for potential conflicts of interest; for example, a documentary funded by fossil fuel companies may have a biased perspective on climate change.
  • Check if the documentary features interviews with recognised experts in the field, such as climate scientists, ecologists, or researchers from reputable institutions. Look up the credentials and affiliations of those included in academic databases (e.g., Google Scholar) to confirm their qualifications and current research.
  • Read reviews and critiques from credible sources, including scientific publications, trusted media, and fact-checking sites. Ensure the documentary aligns with the consensus of the broader scientific community and does not focus on extreme or fringe theories.
  • Check for transparency by looking for an official website or supplementary material provided by the documentary that lists and explains sources and research methods.
  • Find out if the documentary has won any awards or been recognised by reputable organisations, film festivals, and scientific societies. Endorsements from well-known and respected figures in the scientific community can also add to the documentary’s credibility.

It may seem like a lot of work to do before or after watching a documentary film about nature and climate change, but most of us are now well versed in how to perform an online search and fact-check—the information is literally at our fingertips. It’s also possible to use artificial intelligence like ChatGPT or similar services to provide a detailed breakdown of how reliable a documentary is. Scrutinising our intake of information is now more accessible than ever; it’s worth doing if we can.

8 Important Documentaries To Watch About Climate Change

The following documentary films and television series all serve as an illustrative and urgent reminder that global warming, habitat destruction, and biodiversity loss are not abstract or intangible concepts. They all offer an education about and a deeper appreciation for the natural world by exploring the intricate connections between ecosystems and human activities.

The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it. | Sir David Attenborough

Our Planet (Series)

Produced By: Silverback Films in collaboration with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

Presented By: Sir David Attenborough

Release Date: Seson 1, 2019 (8 episodes); Season 2, 2023 (4 episodes)

Where To Watch: Netflix | Rated: TV-PG

Official Website: Our Planet

Synopsis: A breathtaking documentary series that explores the Earth’s natural wonders and the urgent need for conservation. Taking viewers on a visually stunning journey through diverse ecosystems, from lush rainforests to icy polar regions, renowned biologist and natural historian Sir David Attenborough highlights the devastating impact of climate change and human activity on wildlife and habitats. Each episode is a compelling call to action and serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of protecting our environment for future generations.

A Life On Our Planet (Film)

Produced By: Silverback Films in collaboration with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

Presented By: Sir David Attenborough

Release Date: 2020

Where To Watch: Netflix | Rated: PG

Official Website: David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet

Synopsis: Chronicling the remarkable life and career of Sir David Attenborough, one of the world’s most renowned naturalists, this poignant documentary offers breathtaking footage and personal reflections that take viewers on a journey through his life’s work. Spanning decades of exploration and environmental advocacy, Sir David shares his concerns about the rapid decline of Earth’s biodiversity and highlights the urgent need for humanity to address climate change and habitat destruction. Ultimately, the film serves as a wake-up call for the urgent action needed to protect the planet and secure a sustainable future.

Powerlands (Film)

Produced By: Solidarity Films

Directed By: Ivey Camille Manybeads Tso

Release Date: 2022

Where To Watch: Amazon Prime, Sling TV | Rated: PG-13

Official Website: Powerlands

Synopsis: This compelling documentary explores the impacts of corporate exploitation on Indigenous lands and communities. The film follows Manybeads Tso, a young Navajo filmmaker, as she travels to various Indigenous territories worldwide, including her own, to document the resistance against multinational corporations. Powerful storytelling and firsthand accounts shed light on the solidarity of communities fighting to protect their ancestral lands, culture, and sovereignty from environmental degradation and corporate greed. The film serves as both a testimony and a call to action for environmental justice and Indigenous rights.

Before the Flood (Film)

Produced By: Appian Way Productions, RatPac Entertainment, and Diamond Docs in collaboration with National Geographic

Presented By: Leonardo DiCaprio

Release Date: 2016

Where To Watch: Amazon Prime, AppleTV, Disney+, Fandango at Home | Rated: PG

Synopsis: Following actor and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio, this documentary highlights his journey around the globe to witness firsthand the impacts of climate change. Through interviews with scientists, policymakers, and other activists, potential solutions are explored as the complex issues surrounding global warming are brought to the fore. From deforestation to rising sea levels, DiCaprio’s personal reflections and encounters with communities affected by environmental degradation underscore the urgency of the crisis and the need for immediate action.

Mossville: When Great Trees Fall (Film)

Produced By: Daniel Bennett and Katie Mathews

Presented By: Stacey Ryan, and other residents of Mossville, Louisiana

Release Date: 2019

Where To Watch: Amazon Prime, AppleTV, Fandango at Home, Sling TV, Tubi | Rated: Not Rated/Possibly Suited to 16+

Official Website: Mossville: When Great Trees Fall

Synopsis: A deeply moving documentary film that follows the struggles of the residents of Mossville, Louisiana, a historically African-American community plagued by the encroachment of petrochemical plants. The film primarily follows Stacey Ryan, a determined resident who refuses to leave his home despite the severe environmental pollution and health hazards caused by nearby industrial facilities. Through Ryan’s story and the broader community’s plight, the documentary focuses on themes of environmental racism, resilience, and the devastating impact of industrialization on marginalised communities. The film serves as a powerful call for environmental justice and the preservation of heritage.

Racing Extinction (Film)

Produced By: Oceanic Preservation Society, Vulcan Productions, Discovery Channel, Abramorama Entertainment

Presented By: Louie Psihoyos (director) and various experts, activists, and scientists

Release Date: 2015

Where To Watch: Amazon Prime, AppleTV, Hulu, Sling TV, Tubi | Rated: Not Rated/Possibly Suited to 13+

Official Website: Racing Extinction

Synopsis: This powerful documentary delves into what a team of activists, scientists, and photographers uncover about how illegal wildlife trading, pollution, and climate change impact endangered species. Using cutting-edge technology and dramatic visuals, the film aims to raise awareness about the biodiversity crisis and inspire action to prevent further loss. It’s a vivid reminder about the importance of global conservation efforts and the role each individual can play in protecting the planet’s fragile ecosystems.

Once You Know (Film)

Produced By: Pulp Films, Arthur de Pins and Clarisse Barreau

Presented By: Emmanuel Cappellin (director)

Release Date: 2020

Where To Watch: Amazon Prime, AppleTV | Rated: Not Rated/Possibly Suited to 15+

Official Website: Once You Know

Synopsis: An introspective documentary that shares the emotional and practical challenges of facing climate change and the end of fossil fuel-driven civilization. The film follows Cappellin’s journey as he grapples with the unsettling knowledge of environmental and societal collapse. Featuring interviews with climate scientists, activists, and experts, this film studies the implications of a rapidly changing world and examines potential pathways for resilience and adaptation. The documentary encourages viewers to confront the realities of our environmental crisis and consider transformative, grassroots actions to build a sustainable and equitable future.

Changing Planet (Series)

Produced By: BBC Studios Natural History Unit in partnership with PBS and the Climate Change Media Partnership

Presented By: Dr. M. Sanjayan

Release Date: Season 1, 2022 (2 episodes); Season 2, 2023 (2 episodes); Season 3, 2024 (1 episode so far)

Where To Watch: AppleTV (with PBS add-on), YouTube TV | Rated: TV-PG

Official Website: Changing Planet

Synopsis: A compelling documentary series that delves into the profound impacts of global warming on diverse ecosystems and human communities around the globe. Each episode offers a look at different places and people that face urgent challenges and how innovative solutions are emerging in response to a changing planet. Through stunning visuals and expert interviews, Dr. Sanjayan presents a hopeful yet realistic narrative, emphasising the interconnectedness of nature and humanity and the need for collective action to ensure a sustainable future.

In Summary

Watching documentaries about climate change is crucial for raising awareness about the urgent issues facing our planet. The films and television series included here vividly illustrate the need for climate action and environmental justice. They offer unique access to personal stories and firsthand accounts from scientists and activists—all of which can help inform the individual actions we take, including understanding which innovations, green technologies, and government- or industry-led policies we should support. 

There are many climate change documentaries that are available to watch; this is just an introduction to some of the great works out there to learn from. Our existence within and connection to the natural world are vitally important; it’s worth taking some time to learn more about how we influence the future of our planet.

Have you watched any of these? What climate change documentaries have you watched recently?

Further Info:

Special mention goes to all the BBC Planet Earth series of documentaries, all of which are essential viewing.

An Earth Month Playlist: Documentaries Centering Indigenous Voices – PBS

Toward Environmental Justice: Key Concepts – JSTOR Daily

38 thoughts on “The Most Important Nature Documentaries To Watch”

  1. I love this list. The changes that are happening in the climate and our planet overall are worrisome. Documentaries are indeed a great place to start; great for awareness and learning about the latest research and findings in any specific subject. As someone who is always on the lookout for a good documentary to watch, this is a perfect list for me! I will be saving this.


  2. This is a great post and so valuable.. people need to learn about this and you’ve provided a helpful guide of how to do that. Thanks for sharing this!!


  3. I don’t watch many nature documentaries, especially ones about climate change because it gives me climate anxiety. But I should really try to watch more as it’s so important. David Attenborough documentaries are always brilliant. Thank you for sharing this list!


    1. It can be quite overwhelming to learn about climate change, but there is also a lot of hope and useful steps to be found in nature documentaries that tackle this issue. Sir David’s work is always a good choice to watch and follow as he is very inspiring.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. the reference videos are good ones. I usually do only nat Geo. But Netflix ones are also good and will check that one too. A lot goes behind the credibility of a documentary. These were good points to begin with. Thanks for sharing the links. Xx


  5. I’ve always loved documentaries and look forward to checking some of them out. And yes, you most definitely cannot forget about David Attenborough’s iconic presentations! I’m so glad you spoke on the importance of looking at reputable sources. The development of the internet age has been both a blessing and not so much. That’s why I agree so much with the focus on credible sources. Thank you!


    1. Sir David is incredible, and his life’s work is a testament to the beauty and fragility of nature. Like the documentaries he does, reliable information is so essential to learning about climate change so we have to make sure we find it from sources we can trust. Our planet is worth fighting for—thank you so much for reading!


  6. I am a sucker for a good nature doc, but you’re right–have to be careful when selecting one! It seems like more and more “documentaries” are made that just don’t really document anything reliably. Thanks for this list! I’ll be checking some out this weekend.


    1. I made the mistake of starting to watch a history documentary (thinking it was relaible because it was via a trusted platform) and within the first few minutes it was clearly a conspiracy fever dream. I clicked out of that very quickly!


  7. I have watched Sir David Attenborough’s “Our Planet” and “A Life on our Planet” and they were both excellent. I also really enjoyed Zac Effron’s “Down to Earth” series, although it was more about sustainable living than nature. Thanks for the suggestions. I will definitely put the ones that are on Netflix and Disney+ on my watch list.


  8. Oh wow, thanks for the heads up on all of these. Yes climate change can be very overwhelming for sure and even more in the current times we are living in. 



  9. These look like some good nature documentaries. I will checking put the ones on Netflix. But “Powerland” sparks my interest. Thanks for sharing.


  10. This is an awesome list! Watching these documentaries can really raise awareness about climate change and the significance of preserving our planet. I’m subscribed to Netflix, so I’ll definitely start with the ‘Our Planet’ series first. Thanks for the recommendations!


  11. This is so thoroughly researched and useful. I will have to check out these documentaries.

    I am familiar with the Attenborough ones. Your checklist was excellent for helping us work out whether a documentary is reliable or not.


  12. I haven’t watched any of these but I have watched a lot of nature documentaries on big cats. Thank you for sharing this list!
    Lauren – bournemouthgirl


  13. There are some on your list I haven’t seen, so will have to check them out! I appreciate that you’ve included information on how to spot a trustworthy documentary. Documentaries can definitely be biased, so learning things like the funding source is such great advice.


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