A diverse group of young friends sits close together on some grass; they are smiling and holding a large, unfurled Rainbow Pride flag. Photo via alessandrobiascioli/Canva.
News + Advocacy

Simple Ways to Celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride All Year Round

Celebrate LGBTQ+ people with these inclusive ideas, supportive actions, and everyday practices that embrace the essence of Pride all year round.

Laying flat and grouped together are the intersex, transgender, and progress Pride flags; photo via yanishevska/Canva.
News + Advocacy

Building Better Allyship: Understanding LGBTQ+ Acronyms

Explore essential LGBTQ+ terms, and their meanings in this useful guide, helping you learn about and celebrate the diverse identities they represent.

A vast, cold expanse of ice sheets and ocean; photo via Willian Justen de Vasconcellos/Unsplash.
Climate Action

Survival in the Arctic: Animals Impacted by Climate Change

Climate change continues to pose a significant threat to the survival of a variety of wildlife in the Arctic, amplifying the need for urgent action.

Against a plain, light grey background are the hands of a person carefully holding a small geographical globe; photo via floraldecor/Canva.
Climate Action

Our Climate Action Does Not Need To Be Perfect

Perfection isn't the goal with individual climate action; progress is. Embracing imperfect efforts can still drive meaningful change and make a difference.

An open cookbook on a stand, orange kitchen utensils, and three wooden cutting boards on a clean, white kitchen counter; photo via Becca Tapert/Unsplash.
Climate Action

9 Easy Ways You Can Reduce Household Waste

Reducing household waste can seem like an inconvenience or something that requires specialised skills to do effectively. The truth is, there are many individual actions we can take that minimise the amount of refuse we accumulate and throw away—many of which do not require a lot of prior planning or knowledge.

A close-up of some lush, green leaves on a tree; photo via Michael Heinrich/Canva.
Climate Action

A Greener World: Debunking Myths About Climate Change

Misinformation online about climate change has almost become ubiquitous; because of this, addressing and dispelling these myths remains critically important. Understanding the stakes and promoting accurate information are paramount to fostering a sustainable future for generations to come.

A climate protest placard with ‘If Not Now, When? There Is No Planet B” written on it; photo via shaunl/Canva.
Climate Action

Delaying Innovative Climate Action and Its Hidden Costs

Overhauling polluting industries or creating initiatives that actively combat and slow climate change are frequently touted as too expensive or something that can be delayed; however, there are profound consequences to inaction. From economic repercussions and ecological devastation to existential disruptions, it's time to confront the price we will all pay for procrastination.

Two people holding hands in front of a progress Pride flag; photo via Emma Rahmani/Canva.
News + Advocacy

How To Support Someone Who Comes Out As LGBTQ+

This coming June is a wonderful chance to celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, Two-Spirit, and all other orientations, identities and expressions — it's Pride Month! Which is the perfect reminder to celebrate and support all the LGBTQ+ people in our lives. While the support we give as an ally should be… Continue reading How To Support Someone Who Comes Out As LGBTQ+