Ingredients for some home remedies (including garlic, ginger root, lemons, honey and tea) are gathered on a round wooden tray; photo via udra/Canva.
Health + Wellness

Surprisingly Helpful Home Remedies That Actually Work

Discover some effective home remedies for everyday health issues like soothing sore throats, easing headaches, minimising period cramps, and much more!

Lettered tiles that spell “mental health” laid out on a white sheet; photo via Vie Studio/Canva.
Health + Wellness

Important Reasons To Take a Mental Health Day

Taking a mental health day is crucial for maintaining our well-being. Prioritising self-care is essential for reducing stress and uplifting our wellness.

An open notebook with encouraging phrases written on one page sits on top of a beige knitted blanket; photo via Tara Winstead/Canva.
Affirmations & Journaling

Affirmations for When You Need to Vent Some Anger

Discover some affirmations that may help to diffuse feelings of anger and cultivate a sense of calm, embracing a mindset of positive self-talk.

The logo for M.T.N Poetry; poems written and owned by Molly from Transatlantic Notes.

Uplifting Your Inner Sunshine: Creating Joy in Life

One of the most beneficial things we can embrace about life is tapping into our own unique sources of happiness and discovering what brings us joy. Through exploring our passions, connecting with loved ones, and embracing simple moments, we can uncover joy hidden in hobbies, nature, art, or acts of kindness. It's a treasure hunt within ourselves, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and contented life.

A non-binary person wearing a rainbow sweater crinkles their nose as they smile happily with their eyes closed; photo via Hiki App/Unsplash.
Affirmations & Journaling

20 Useful Affirmations To Help You Overcome Self-Doubt

All of us at some point in life will need a confidence boost that helps soothe self-doubt and anxiety. One of the simplest tools we can use to encourage building mental resilience is reciting words of affirmation. This quick daily activity, with consistent practice, can help build a more positive and empowering mindset, moving us beyond cycles of pessimistic self-talk.

The logo for M.T.N Poetry; poems written and owned by Molly from Transatlantic Notes.

Becoming: Transforming Pain Into Something Beautiful (A Poem)

When we experience events or situations that cause emotional pain and mental distress, our whole world may become overturned. Unpleasant emotions can disrupt our daily life in a way that interferes with our familiar routines and/or triggers changes in our ability to function in a healthful way. It might seem like an impossible task, but finding how to move forward and/or begin to heal is possible.

A young woman lays on her stomach on her bed, holding a cup of coffee in her hands; photo via Samantha Gades/Unsplash
Health + Wellness

Practical Tips to Help Overcome Lack of Motivation

It's common for everyone to experience a lack of motivation from time to time. Identifying its source can occasionally be difficult as many factors influence its onset, such as stress, fatigue and changes in daily routine. No matter what may trigger these bouts of discouragement, being kind to ourselves as we take steps to re-energize and refocus is essential.

A collection of notebooks and a grey mug on a bed; photo via Annie Spratt/Unsplash
Affirmations & Journaling

How To End Your Day With Positive Affirmations

Saying positive affirmations before going to bed can help calm our minds, reduce stress levels and promote a more optimistic and encouraging outlook for the next day; they can also help reinforce a sense of self-empowerment.